Wednesday, January 29, 2025 (3:00 PM - 4:00 PM) GMT+3
Director Social Impact of International Coaching Federation - Foundation
Kathleen has been involved in association management for 15 years and is currently the Director of Social Impact at International Coaching Federation, Foundation.
She connects with stakeholders from diverse cultural backgrounds and fosters an environment of mutual respect especially in the context of offering social impact projects to ICF-accredited professional coaches and ICF Chapters through the Ignite Initiative Program.
By providing pro bono or reduced-rate coaching engagements to leaders, employees and beneficiaries of organizations supporting the United Nations Global Goals, Ignite Initiative Program empowers meaningful social impact on a global scale.
Kathleen manages partnership portfolios with UNICEF, World Vision, Obama Foundation, and Special Olympics. She currently works with a team of 41 (forty-one) volunteer project leaders who connect ICF credentialed members with organizations in Middle East and Africa, Europe, N. America, Latin America, and Asia Pacific to attain the UN Sustainable Goals through professional executive coaching. Through her work she has helped increase the annual number of global coaching projects from twenty-one (21) to fifty-six (56) and an annual increase in funding up to seven hundred and five percent (705%).
Previously, she was involved in regional roles with ICF and in helping set up chapters in underrepresented regions in Africa.
She volunteered for three (3) years as an organizing secretary in the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Kenya Chapter where she managed pro bono and reduced-rate coaching programs.
She received her Masters in Business Administration with a focus in Global business sustainability and earned her certification in professional coaching from the Coach Development Institute (CDI) Africa. She received a student excellence award from DePaul University, Chicago, USA.