This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other African Society of Association Executives (AfSAE) events.

Registration of delegates, and speaking with Exhibitors at their stands

WelcomeMs. Nana Gecaga, CEOKICC

Welcome - Ms. Nana Gecaga, CEO - KICC

WelcomeJeffers MirukaPresident, AfSAE

Jeffers Miruka - President, AfSAE

  • Jeffers Miruka (President at African Society of Association Executives)

    Jeffers Miruka

    President at African Society of Association Executives
Opening SessionCabinet Secretary, Ministry of Tourism & Wildlife
Hon. Najib Balala, EGH

Opening Ceremony

  • Hon. Najib Balala, EGH (Cabinet Secretary at Ministry of Tourism & Wildlife, Government of Kenya)

    Hon. Najib Balala, EGH

    Cabinet Secretary at Ministry of Tourism & Wildlife, Government of Kenya
Keynote 1: The Role of Civil Society Organisations in National Development Agenda
Hon. Prof. Githu Muigai, EGH, S.C.

The Role of Associations and Civil Society Organisations in the National Development Agenda - Prof. Githu Muigai LLB HONS, LLM (COL.) Ph.D., FCIARB

  • Hon. Prof. Githu Muigai, EGH, S.C. (Attorney General Emeritus at Republic of Kenya)

    Hon. Prof. Githu Muigai, EGH, S.C.

    Attorney General Emeritus at Republic of Kenya
Keynote 1: Impact of association events on national policiesICASA Case Study

Impact of association events on national policies: ICASA Case Study. Luc Bodea, CEO, Society for AIDS in Africa

Tea/Coffee break & Exhibitions
KEYNOTE 2: Localising the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The Global Role of Associations & Nonprofits

Asenath Mwithigah, Technical Director, My Leader Kenya.

Keynote 2: Building Strategic Change in your Association.
Sharon Newport, CAE

Sharon Newport, CAE, - Executive Director: Door Security & Safety Foundation

  • Sharon Newport, CAE (Executive Director of Door Security & Safety Foundation)

    Sharon Newport, CAE

    Executive Director of Door Security & Safety Foundation
Panel Discussion: Associations 360

Moderator: Sharon Newport
Panelists: Jeffers Miruka, Gregg Talley, Jacque Price-Osafo, Jahou S. Faal, Magda Mook, Mairura Omwenga

Cocktail Reception


KEYNOTE 3: Magda Mook: Drivers of ChangeNew ASAE Association Research, Relevance for African Associations
Magdalena Mook

Drivers of Change: New ASAE Association Research. Relevance for African Associations. Ms. Magdelena Mook, International Section Chair, American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) and CEO, International Coaching Federation (ICF)

  • Magdalena Mook (CEO of International Coaching Federation  (ICF))

    Magdalena Mook

    CEO of International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Dr. Ouma Oluga: The Role of Healthcare associations in improving access to care in Africa

The Role of Healthcare associations in improving access to care in Africa: Dr. Ouma Oluga, CEO, Kenya Practitioners, and Dentist Association.

  • Dr. Ouma Oluga (Secretary General & CEO of Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists & Dentists' Union (KMPDU))

    Dr. Ouma Oluga

    Secretary General & CEO of Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists & Dentists' Union (KMPDU)
Tea/Coffee break & Exhibitions
Closing Keynote: Esmare SteinhofelAfrica’s Hyper Growth Potential; Associations, Convention Bureaus and Business Events
Esmaré Steinhöfel

Africa’s Hyper-Growth Potential: Associations and Business Events – The ICCA Perspective
Esmare Steinhofel, ICCA Regional Director for Africa

  • Esmaré Steinhöfel (Regional Director for Africa of International Congress and Convention Association)

    Esmaré Steinhöfel

    Regional Director for Africa of International Congress and Convention Association
Closing Keynote: Nonnie KubekaAfrica’s Hyper-Growth Potential: Convention Bureaus and Business Events – South Africa Perspective

Africa’s Hyper-Growth Potential:
Convention Bureaus and Business Events – South Africa Perspective
Nonnie Kubeka, Head, Gauteng Convention and Events Bureau (GCEB)

PANEL DISCUSSION: MICE, Convention & Visitor Bureaus, and Business Events What is Africa's Approach?

MICE, Convention Bureaus, and Business Events. What’s Africa's Approach?
Moderator: Nana Gecaga
Panelists: Esmare Steinhofel, Jacinta Nzioka, Frank Murangwa, Nonnie Kubeka, Johannes Muoka

Lunch & Exhibitions