Change is inevitable - and associations are drivers of change. But many have been caught like deer in headlights and are slow in responding to the necessary changes needed to overcome the global pandemic. Through a session of rapid-fire interview questions Andy Bailey, best-selling leadership author and founder of business coaching firm, Petra Coach, will help organizations understand how to move from playing offense to achieving success by using his experiences from the corporate world and DSRO principles (Defense, Stabilize, Reset and Offense).
Andy Bailey, Entrepreneur Coach, PETRA COACH
Defense, Stabilize, Reset and Offense
Jeffers Miruka, AfSAE President
Octavio "Bobby" Peralta, APFAO President
Greta Kotler, CAE, ASAE Chief Global Development & Credentialing Officer
Giuseppe Marletta, ESAE President
This webinar is open to associations, ICCA members and members of AfSAE, APFAO, ASAE and ESAE.
Time: May 19, 2020 03:00 PM in Amsterdam