Event Details
The year 2020 has emerged as the most redefining year for Associations not only in Africa but across the world. The Covid-19 pandemic, has not only changed how associations conduct their business activities, but has redefined how these activities will be conducted into the future. In the post-Covid-19 pandemic world, it is only those Associations that demonstrate agility and adaptability that will survive 2020 and beyond.
The pandemic has created unprecedented disruptions occasioning restructuring of Association leadership and governance structures, redesigning of membership communications and engagement, revision of revenue models and remodeling of association events among others. It is with no doubt that Associations Beyond 2020 will look different. The AfSAE virtual Africa Association Summit (AAS2) is organised to dissect the dos and don'ts while offering opinion on what a successful Association need to be doing now in anticipation of tomorrow.
This virtual event will be highlighting the ever-important role of associations in our communities by focusing on the following thematic areas:
- Strategy
- Governance/Leadership
- Engagement/Membership
- Communications
- Collaborations/Stakeholders/partnerships/Mergers
- Events
- Financial Sustainability
- Technology